What is a Montessori school, and would it suit my child?
Wharfedale Montessori School, a small private pre-school and primary school, based at Bolton Abbey near Skipton, is offering the chance to parents to visit the school at any time during the spring and summer terms, and to find out for themselves.

It is possible to present work from any subject area if you link the learning to a child's interests, and this is what we do in basing our teaching on the individual child, recording each and every new achievement and competency using a day-to-day progressive system.

As children move through our setting, and into the primary years, they are encouraged and, if necessary, directed, to undertake and complete certain tasks on their individual work schedules, so that they will take on work and challenges across the whole of the curriculum.
Much of the children’s interest in learning comes from the appeal and efficacy of the special educational apparatus, designed by Dr Montessori, which covers sensory learning, literacy, numeracy, cultural studies, science, history, geography, music and creativity. At our school, we also teach sport and, lucky as we are with our wonderful location in Strid Wood, we can also provide extensive outdoor studies, including forest school.