Monday 20 February 2012

Pancake ideas for flipping good fun!

The theatre of the big pancake flip on Shrove Tuesday (Feb 21) is enough to catch the imagination of most pre-schoolers. Heap on top of this excitement, an array of toppings as far as your imagination can stretch and it’s no surprise why pancake day is much anticipated for little ones across the country!
Thankfully, it doesn’t take the skills of Heston Blumenthal to whip up a delicious pancake batter. Just follow any tried and tested recipe and then go to town on your topping.

There are savoury options but frankly, they don’t float our kids’ boats so we’ll just mention a few (!) of our favourite toppings…sugar and lemon, sugar and lemon with melted butter, strawberry, blueberry, blackberry – in fact any berry! – nutella, chopped banana, raisins, syrup, peanut butter, chocolate chips, chopped nuts…we’re making ourselves too hungry to carry on but you get the idea!

If mixing and flipping at home isn’t enough for you, and your little ones have done all they can do in the way of pancake day activities then there’s a pancake day race in Ilkley along The Grove on Tuesday. Frying pans at the ready! x